Closing Packages - Read Only Version
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View Closing Packages (2020)
1. Control Checklist
2. Miscellaneous
3. Leases Payable
3a. Capital Leases Payable
3b. Operating Leases Payable
4. Leases Receivable
4a. Operating Leases Receivable
4b. Direct Financing Leases Receivable
5. Long-Term Liabilities and Short-Term Debt
6. Prepaid Expenses
7. Capital Asset Questionnaire
7a. Capital Asset - FAS
7b. Capital Asset - NON FAS
8. Cash
8a. Cash GL 1003
8b. Deposits in Outside Bank Accounts GL 1002
9. Inventory
10. Investments
11. Loans and Notes Receivable
12. Capital Assets
12a. Capital Asset
12b. Capital Assets - Depreciation and Amortization
12c. Capital Assets - Noncapitalized Collections of Art, Historical Treasures, etc.*
12d. Capital Assets - Disposals
13. Capital Assets In Progress
14. Interfund Payables
15. Unearned Revenue
15a. Unearned Revenue Form
15b. Grant Advances Form
16. Accounts Payable
17. Accounts Receivable
18. Grants Receivable
19. Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards
21. Attestation Letter
22. Subsequent Events
General Information (2020)
Agency List
CP Due Dates by Date
CP Due Dates by CP Number
Fund List
SCO Contacts